Geniuses of the Romantic Period: Early and Late

Hello dear Music Friends,

Don’t forget that the final concert of our season is Saturday June 3rd and Sunday June 4th!

In Faure Requiem and Mendelssohn Motets,” you will have opportunity to hear works by one of the geniuses of the early Romantic period, Felix Mendelssohn, and also hear Mendelssohn’s influence in the works of Gabriel Fauré, a genius of the late Romantic period.

Mendelssohn, whose made his public debut in Berlin at the age of 9, was only 38 years old when he died in 1847. He was a pianist, conductor and prolific composer. His sister, Fanny, was a musical inspiration to him and shortly after her sudden death, he, too, died.

The two compositions the Chorale will present are two of his cantatas for choir and orchestra:  Jesu, meine Freude, and Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten.

Fauré lived longer, but suffered from fragile health and deafness during the last twenty years of his life: sounds became distorted, so that high and low notes sounded painfully out of tune to him. When he was honored in 1922 in a public tribute by the President of France, The Musical Times described it as “a poignant spectacle, indeed: that of a man present at a concert of his own works and able to hear not a single note. . .”

The Cantique de Jean Racine and the Requiem are two of Fauré’s best-loved works.


Concert Time and Place:

Saturday, June 3, 2017  8:00 pm

Sunday, June 4,, 2017  4:00 pm

Holy Cross Church, 126 High Street, Santa Cruz

Tickets can be purchased at or at the door. For this concert, courtesy of a Board Member, all student admissions are free.

See you at the concert!