Volunteer with the Santa Cruz Chorale

Have you ever wanted to work with the Santa Cruz Chorale? Have you wanted to become involved in bringing music to the Santa Cruz community in a way other than singing? Here is your chance!
We are currently seeking volunteers to work the box office, hand out programs and help with the production of the concert. You’ll work with our Volunteer Coordinator, Box Office Manager, House Manager and an enthusiastic team of volunteers just like you. You’ll have an opportunity to listen to our concerts for free. And you’ll have the satisfaction that comes from knowing your efforts have helped many people in your community.
How can I get involved?  
It’s easy! Click on over to http://santacruzchorale.org/volunteer-santa-cruz-chorale to let our Volunteer Coordinator know you can help. If you are short on time, just enter your name, email address and phone number for a personal call from our coordinator. We are looking forward to working with you!